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Lawyer Specializes in Personal Injury Litigation

When a person has experienced an injury due to the negligence of another party it is a very good decision to speak with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury. Personal injury lawyer are available to assist their clients who have been injured as a result of carelessness of another person or business. These claims often include car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, workplace injuries, and assault. They can also be filed when a consumer product is defective and causes physical injury. In a personal injury claim, a person can seek monetary damages based on the extent of the injury, whether it be physical, emotional or both. Personal injury claims also cover other items such as loss of wages or loss of work due to the injury.


Not every lawyer speacializes in personal injury litigation. It is necessary to find a lawyer that specializes in not only personal injury litigation but a speacific injury as well. These lawyers will have access to medical experts who will help strengthen the case. Sometimes, paralysis is a result of these injuries. The lawyer who represents these cases will need to be able to determine the cause, with the help of a medical expert, in order to prove the case. Not having the right lawyer with the right expertise can result in wasted time and loss of a substantial amount of money.


People who've sustained physical harm after being in an accident caused by the fault or negligence of another party can find assistance from a personal injury lawyer at Law office of Michael west. If you've been left with staggering medical bills and property loss and you're ready to seek compensation, we'll strive to help you obtain the money that you may be owed.


During your consultation, we'll review the details of your incident with you and study the police reports and evidence in an effort to determine where the fault lies. If we discover that you may be entitled to a settlement, we'll work hard to help you receive compensation for your injuries and other related expenses.

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